
Your Ultimate Squarespace SEO Guide

Ultimate Squarespace SEO Guide: Boost Your Website's Visibility

Website traction is not about a beautifully designed website with stunning images; it's about whether the site is optimized for SEO. Such a site will rank high on search engines and be seen by internet users searching for your Squarespace store. In this Squarespace SEO guide, we'll give you some tried and tested tips to ensure that your site gets noticed by search engines, so your customers can find you. Is Squarespace good for SEO? Squarespace comes with built-in SEO tools, so website owners don't need to worry about the technical aspects of SEO. Understanding how to use these tools to optimize your site is crucial to your online success. The problem is, it's not as simple as that. SEO is complicated and difficult to get right. Even with Squarespace's SEO abilities, you have to know what you're doing to get good results. The Squarespace sales pitch is that it...

Must-Know Tips | 7 MIN READ
volusion vs shopify vs bigcommerce

Volusion vs Shopify vs Bigcommerce - Compared & Reviewed

Currently, the popularity of hosted e-Commerce platforms almost matches the open-source ones. Mostly, they are celebrated among startups and newbie e-sellers for one main reason - their utter simplicity. It’s...

Must-Know Tips | 7 MIN READ
volusion to shopify

How to Migrate from Volusion to Shopify Without Impacting Revenue

Shopping cart is considered to be the key to an online store’s success - that’s why it is so important to choose the proper one which will suit your needs...

Migration Guides | 5 MIN READ
Shopify alternatives

Best Shopify Alternatives Worth Considering

Shopify, undoubtedly, is one of the most popular eCommerce platforms. It empowers 1,000,000 businesses in 175 countries around the world. Due to the fact, though, that eCommerce industry is saturated...

Must-Know Tips | 8 MIN READ
migration of multiple languages

Migration of multiple languages in Shopify now supported by Cart2Cart

We are happy to announce that from now on Cart2Cart supports the migration of multiple languages to Shopify. Our team understands the importance of keeping up with the latest eCommerce...

Cart2Cart News | 1 MIN READ
shopify payment 2

Shopify Payments Made Easy: Optimizing Your Checkout Experience [2024]

The most important aspect of any online store is the checkout experience. In other words, how do customers pay for products they purchase, and how do online store owners collect...

Must-Know Tips | 10 MIN READ
How to Login to the Shopify Admin

How to Login to the Shopify Admin in a Few Clicks (2024)

When you operate a Shopify store, you'll use the Shopify Admin extensively. It's easy to see why. From there, you'll be able to manage all your settings, products, customers, and...

Must-Know Tips | 3 MIN READ
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