General Questions

Actinic-related questions3

How to export Actinic store data to CSV file?

To export your Actinic store data proceed with the following steps for required data tables:

  1. Log in to your Actinic admin panel.
  2. To export products go to Marketing -> Smartfeeds -> [Add an export] -> Oxatis DataPlug -> [Add] -> [Save] -> [Export] -> [Confirm]. After export is done, proceed to View Properties -> Download Export File.
  3. To export customers choose Marketing -> Users -> [Export] -> [Add] -> [Continue]. Select all the fields and file format CSV - Semicolon (;). Then click [Save] -> [Export] -> [Confirm]. When the procedure is completed, push View Properties -> Download Export File.
  4. To export orders download plugin from admin panel. Go to Help -> DataPlug (Import Data) and install it. Afterwards, run this plugin and click Orders -> Download. Here you need to choose all entities and proceed to the next step. Then you need to push Export -> Excel or CSV file. In new window click Browse, insert file name and choose CSV from the list. Then push Next -> Finish.
  5. Upload saved files to the corresponding fields below.

Please note, if the size of downloaded CSV file exceeds 128 MB, contact our Support Team to avoid any possible migration issues.


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How can I get data out of SellerDeck?

Please note: To migrate from SellerDeck, you need to export a CSV and import it to a desirable shopping cart with the help of CSV File migration. Alternatively, you can delegate the migration to Cart2Cart team entirely by purchasing one of Data Migration Service Packages.

In some cases, to complete a migration from Actinic, e-merchants will have to take entities out of their SellerDeck clients beforehand. Here is a detailed instruction how to do it:

Prior to exporting entities from SellerDeck it is necessary to create a txt-file in which the data will be located. Then:

  1. Open the “File” menu
    How can I get data out of SellerDeck?
  2. Choose “Export” and click “Next”
    How can I get data out of SellerDeck?
  3. Select entities you want to export.
    How can I get data out of SellerDeck?
  4. Open the specially created txt-file in the “File Name” field and press “Ready”.
    How can I get data out of SellerDeck?

After the uplisted steps are done, all the entities will be exported to the txt file, which you’ll be able migrate with no further complications.


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Can I migrate Categories from Actinic?

Yes, Cart2Cart supports Categories migration from Actinic. However, due to the peculiarities of file building by Sellerdeck software, the structure of Categories (Sections in Sellerdeck) might slightly differ on Target Store.

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Just set up the migration and choose the entities to move – the service will do the rest.

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