Taras Kopchak

Digital Marketing Manager at Cart2Cart. I love e-Commerce, design, technologies and furious keyboard smashing. Wanna be friends? Add me on Facebook, little fella.

wordpress vs joomla

WordPress vs Joomla: Which CMS is Better?

  Running a successful business is a blast. Nothing beats the feeling of love and joy with which Americans spend money. But what if we’ll go further and ask you,...

Must-Know Tips | 6 MIN READ
shopping cart to sell downloads

Best Shopping Cart to Sell Downloads Online

What can be more lucrative than selling digital products? They are cheap to produce, not committed to a physical stock and can be sold over and over again. They also...

Must-Know Tips | 4 MIN READ
Google Analytics Basics: How to Set Up Goals for Your Online Store

Google Analytics Basics: How to Set Up Goals for Your Online Store

Early on we’ve talked about the importance and purposes of installation of Google Analytics on WooCommerce. Now, let’s start utilizing GA for what it was made, shall we? Our first...

Must-Know Tips | 2 MIN READ
Bigcommerce to Magento migration

Karen Rzepecki from Mason Jars on Bigcommerce to Magento Migration

Karen Rzepecki has built her business by selling something you often don’t even notice in your everyday life - Mason jars! Such a basic and necessary product has allowed her...

Success Stories | 1 MIN READ
How to Install Google Analytics on WooCommerce

How to Install Google Analytics on WooCommerce

By reading these lines you prove one thing -- you’re a responsible store owner in a search of ways to make your business more valuable and profitable. Most certainly, you’ve...

Shopping Carts Reviews | 2 MIN READ
Modular Merchant to Shopify migration

Karen Newell on Modular Merchant to Shopify Migration

Have you ever heard about brainwave entrainment? Well, today you’ll have a chance to discover this technology and, maybe, even meditate a little bit thanks to our guest -- Karen...

Success Stories | 6 MIN READ
Stop war in Ukraine