General Questions

How to install Cart2Cart Migration from PrestaShop module on Magento 2?

Installing via the command line interface

Note: you can use this installation method for all Magento versions

\* = in production, please use the --keep-generated option

Type 1: Zip file

Before you proceed, please download the Cart2Cart Magento Upgrade module on Magento 2:

1. Unzip the zip file in app/code/Cart2Cart/MigrationFromPrestashop

2. Enable the module by running php bin/magento module:enable Cart2Cart_MigrationFromPrestashop

Enable the module

3. Apply database updates by running php bin/magento setup:upgrade

Apply database updates

4. Flush the cache by running php bin/magento cache:flush/

Flush the cache

5.php -f bin/magento setup:di:compile (this command may require increasing memory_limit php directive)


The view of the installed module in the Admin Panel:

The view of the installed module

Type 2: Composer


Please ensure you have access keys (My Profile - Access Keys) (if you don’t have them yet, please generate them).

\*For detailed instructions, see DevDocs.

1. Make the module available in a composer repository, for example:

  • private repository
  • public repository
  • public GitHub repository as VCS

2. Add the composer repository to the configuration by running composer config composer

composer config repositories

3. Install the module composer by running composer require magneticone/cart2cart-migration-from-prestashop

(if you’re asked to provide a username, please use the info from here (My Profile - Access Keys) - public key is your user name, while private key is your password) Install the module

4. Enable the module by running php bin/magento module:enable Cart2Cart_MigrationFromPrestashop

Enable the module

5. Apply database updates by running php bin/magento setup:upgrade

Apply database updates

6. Flush the cache by running php bin/magento cache:flush

Flush the cache

7.php -f bin/magento setup:di:compile (this command may require increasing memory_limit php directive)


The view of the installed module in the Admin Panel:

The view of the installed module

Just set up the migration and choose the entities to move – the service will do the rest.

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