how to upgrade magento 1 to magento 2

The shopping cart upgrade is a crucial solution to remain one step ahead and cope with the competitive pressure. It is a forward-thinking way to give the e-store new capabilities to future-proof your business and meet your clients’ demands. The answer to “Should I upgrade Magento 1 to Magento 2?” is quite evident if take into account all new possibilities that Magento 2.x provides the store owners with. Keep reading the post to find out what sets Magento 1 and Magento 2 apart and discover a full walk-through of the upgrading process across these two releases.

Needless to say the eCommerce sphere is rapidly evolving. Therefore, dealing with shifting customer behaviors, outdated functionality, brand new applications, and continuous adaptations is a part of the online entrepreneur’s daily routine. How should you know it’s time to upgrade and once Magento is your choice what are the key points in Magento 1 vs Magento 2 opposition? We’ll dive into benefits of migrating to Magento 2 Commerce and share tech update considerations you’d better keep in mind.

Brief Overview

Among eCommerce solutions currently available on the market, Magento is considered as the most flexible shopping cart. The platform is packed with all the functionality required to grow and innovate online businesses without limits. Check these fresh statistics that speaks for itself:

how to upgrade magento 1 to magento 2

How’s the Performance and Loading Time?

Performance and loading time are crucial factors for any online business, impacting customer experience, conversion rates, and search engine visibility. With Magento 1, performance was a common concern, as its average page load speeds exceeded two seconds, often resulting in decreased conversion rates. According to Google, maintaining load times under two seconds is essential for optimal user experience in e-commerce.

Magento 1

Magento 1 faced criticism for its performance, with users experiencing slower page loading speeds compared to industry standards. The platform's architecture and coding practices contributed to these issues, leading to longer server response times and slower website performance overall.

Magento 2

Magento 2, however, has addressed many of these performance issues by incorporating new technologies to enhance page loading speeds and reduce server response times. On average, Magento 2 boasts frontend performance improvements, with homepage and product pages loading approximately 50% faster, and the checkout process being 38% faster compared to Magento 1.

Despite these advancements, optimizing site speed remains crucial for maximizing conversion rates and SEO effectiveness. Slow load times can hinder crawl efficiency, leading to fewer indexed pages by search engines. Additionally, the choice of hosting significantly impacts overall performance. While Magento 2 Enterprise Cloud Commerce offers hosting as part of its package, other versions allow merchants to select their hosting provider, emphasizing the importance of choosing quality hosting for optimal performance.

How to Know the Time Has Come?

Well, the official Magento site claims that from June 2020, Magento will drop the support for Magento 1. Does it mean you should wait until you the high time? Can you imagine once the news on immediate upgrade spread the net? Would you be able to turn to the best Magento upgrade service? Will it be available for everybody? No panic. There are three questions to consider:

  1. Why do eCommerce solutions keep releasing new versions?
  2. How can you succeed with the outdated shopping cart?
  3. When is it better to upgrade: once YOU’re planning or when you’re HAVE NO OTHER CHOICE?

Let’s focus on these significant points. First of all, due to the open-source architecture new versions are inevitable for this eCommerce platform. This is the way the bugs could be fixed and improvements introduced, all the security matters covered. Answering the second question, needless to emphasize how fast technology is evolving and how much it’s going to cost you once clients exit your webpage because your site speed is too low or the product gallery lacks “cool” features the competitors already have. Once business success is what you are aimed at - you need a robust tool to manage it. And finally, speaking about the best time for the update, note that even if you turn to the automated upgrade, you will need some time launching the data transfer, checking its results, cope with design customizations, hosting issues, etc.

Magento 1 vs Magento 2. Reasons Not to Postpone the Upgrade

Here are the most significant aspects where M1 and M2 differ. If you are considering making any changes to your store regarding any of these aspects you should seriously think over upgrading to Magento 2.2 as a part of those changes.


how to upgrade magento 1 to magento 2

Website performance was among the top reasons the platform was redesigned. According to the research (Source: FME Magento Extensions), Magento 2 pages are loading 30% to 50% faster. The updated version can cope with up to 39% more orders within an hour. In other words, with M2 more users will be able to interact with your e-store, the greater amount of products will be added to your site’s cart, and as a result, your profit will increase.

Once your business grows, you are expected to get more traffic and need a solution to be able to cope with the massive flow of visitors. Do you know that M2 can handle 10 million views of the page within an hour, M1 would stop at 200 thousand?

Web-store Management

magento upgrade service

Once you feel that website administration might take less time, pay attention that with M2 you get improved:

  • Admin navigation,
  • Product creation functionality,
  • Data view and filtering,
  • Administration for multiple users.

Excellent Customer Experience

What is the primary purpose of your webpage? Get customers’ interest, show all the products advantages and guarantee an easy way to create an order. With Magento 2 you get:

  • Improved checkout (simplified registration, checkouts are included on every step, fewer forms to fill in, enhanced PayPal integration, order summary with products photos),
  • Advanced SEO capabilities,
  • Upgrades in mobile browsing.

To get more information on the benefits you get from updating your e-shop to the latest version, visit a comprehensive review of Magento 2.2. features.

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Because the eCommerce solution leaves you to make the final decision when to upgrade the store only you with the team set a date for Magento to Magento migration into your business plan.

2 thoughts on "Magento 1 vs Magento 2: Evolution in E-commerce Platforms"

There is no one-click procedure to upgrade Magento. The software has a brand new architecture, thus, upgrade in its traditional way is impossible. It is rather a data migration across shopping carts. Cart2Cart service is exactly the tool to get the job done automatedly and with no business interruption.

What can we do for you?

Cart2Cart automated migration service has thousands of Magento upgrades on its count and offers error-free eCommerce entities import. 100% uptime for the current store is secured. Support Team is available 24/7 to provide you with any additional info you might need or assist you with any stage of the data transfer. Check our Magento Upgrade Guide to dive into further details and find out the best way to upgrade Magento.

With M2 you get a total omnichannel platform with advanced functionality. Once you’re serious about your eCommerce business - think the benefits over and leap to Magento 2.

How about Free Demo to see how the enhanced store will look like?