General Questions

Why weren't all my product variants imported to Wix?

Due to technical limitations of Wix platform, there are some peculiarities of product variants migration to this eCommerce solution. More specifically:

  • The upper limit of product variants and its options is 300 and 6 correspondingly. Therefore, it’s impossible to import more than 300 variants or 6 options. In case there are more of them - it is necessary to delete some product variants/options so that Wix allows you import the product;
  • If the product on the source store has some options and more than 300 variants, then it is recommended to delete some of the variants, so that Wix allows to import the product;
  • If the product on the source store has some options and no variants, and the number of possible options combinations is more than 300, then the variants will not be generated automatically, but the imported product will have options (do not forget about the limit of 6 options);
  • If there are options on the source, but no variants, and the number of possible options combinations is no more than 300, then the options will be imported, and variants will be generated;
  • if there are 6 or less options on the source store and 300 or less variants, then all the options and variants will be imported to Wix.

Just set up the migration and choose the entities to move – the service will do the rest.

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