Basic Data Migration Service
Migration of up to 1 000 entities
Wanna move up to 1 000 entities to your new store? We will migrate products, customers and orders with all related information in no time, so you don’t have to do it on your own. The migration cost of 1 000 entities is already included in the package.
All the available extra migration options for your specific migration direction (like 301 redirects, preserved order IDs, passwords migration etc) are included in the service package at no extra cost for you.
5 hours of Technical Support
This time will be dedicated to your specific migration case. Ask questions, tell about your requirements and get all information on your migration. We will analyze your data, check the cart settings, provide help with pre-migration preparation and data configuration, if necessary. Our Support Team is available via email, tickets and live chat.
Personal Account Manager
Personal Account Manager is always here to answer your questions and inform you on migration process.
Migration Customization
Your store data is customized? No problems, we will make necessary modifications to perform migration properly. This may include modifications of store and customization of migration process - all to meet your specific requirements. Please note, customization possibilities are limited by the specificities of your source and target carts and do not include installation, modifications as well as migration of data generated by third-party modules and extensions, tax rules configuration, migration of non-standard entities like reviews, testimonials, news, CMS pages, website content, etc.
Password Migration*
Due to differences in algorithms for encryption in shopping carts, migration of users passwords is available for limited number of platforms (unfortunately, it is impossible for hosted carts). That is why passwords migration requires additional investigations of your specific case. For more details look through our FAQ.
Personal Account Manager
Migration Assistance
Don’t perform migration on your own - deliver it to the professionals! We save your time and efforts providing full technical assistance of store migration. You will be notified on Demo migration results as soon as it is performed. All you have to do is to confirm Full migration after you’ve checked the results of Demo.
Pre-Migration Validation
No doubts on accurate data transfer! We will check your shopping cart installation, version, configuration, hosting parameters and store databases. We will also check database structure and type of data.
Migration Setup
We set the migration for you. Just provide us with all necessary access details - we take care of all the rest!
Preview of Demo Migration Results
As soon as Demo migration is performed we will show you its results on target store. You will see how your new store is going to look like.
1 remigration within 7 days after Full Migration
In case you need to implement any changes for your migration we provide an opportunity to restart data transfer for 1 time. Remigration can be performed within the same Source and Target stores during 7 days after Full Migration is completed.
Migration Results Validation
After migration is complete, we will check your store database to ensure that all data was transferred accurately and is shown on your storefront with default template. When all is checked, you are welcome to enjoy your new store!
Apart from all the features and services, you get an opportunity to request any of the available additional options free of charge, as a bonus to the Basic Data Migration Service Package you've ordered.
Pre-Migration Validation
Order Fulfillment Time
We will complete Demo Migration in 5 and Full Migration in 10 business days after verifying access details. If it isn’t possible to access your shop due to wrong store info or provided information isn’t enough to complete the order, our Support Team will contact you. Please note, in this case order fulfilment date will be postponed.
If you don't request any modifications for 2 months after our tech engineers validate the result of migration, the Package is considered to be successfully performed. After 60 days time is up, all customizations will be done for additional cost.
The Final Price of Basic Data Migration Service
Support hours rate | $50 * 5h = $250 | $454 $299 |
Migration price (+ 1 remigration) | $75 | |
Migration Assistance | $149 |
Note! If the quantity of items you migrate exceeds the limits of Basic Data Migration Service, the payment for the rest will be charged additionally. Find more information about Basic Data Migration Service here.
Is Basic Data Migration Service not enough for you?
For more hours of support and more
migration opportunities, check:
Still have some questions? Let us know when it is good time for you to discuss how Cart2Cart can GREATLY HELP to achieve your goals
Been using Cart2Cart for years. Makes store migrations a breeze. Customer service is great and they have a great partner program. Would definitely recommend to individuals looking to migrate as well as design agencies.
Review source
This is my first use of Cart2Cart migration process and this company is awesome! My company managed lots of migration manually before trying C2C and actually we love them. Support is the best ever (thank all!) and service is A +++.
Review source
Amazing level of patience and professionalism from Cart2Cart working with our team to perform a very difficult import for a client that has been start and stop for over 2 years!! Their team gets back to questions with technical fixes within 24 hours in most cases and we are finally wrapping it up! Thank you for all you’ve done to help get this project to completion.
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I can't praise the Cart2Cart team enough. They really took care to make sure our very large migration was a success. I would highly recommend them!
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Absolute BEST! Very inexpensive (was quoted $1500 from another design company, compared to only $140), lightning fast speed with their responses, knowledgeable, and of course saved me a ton of quality time I don’t have. Will be using them again for an additional website.
Review source
Used Cart2Cart to migrate Ideal saves you a ton of time. Even have the option to do it multiple times so you can set up the new site with the correct data in it. And then before you go live with the new site, you can import the latest data again.
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