Write to us if you want to migrate from Spree to JouwWeb
Presently Cart2Cart does not support Spree to JouwWeb migration However, thanks to the Cart2Cart world-class specialists such opportunity will be availbale soon. Please, get in touch with us via any of the forms below.
How To Migrate from Spree to JouwWeb with Cart2Cart?
to let us know your migration requirements

to find out whether we can meet your migration needs
price & time estimates plus data migration details
after your confirmation and payment
to the new JouwWeb platform fast & accurately

Your data is safely locked with Cart2Cart
We built in many security measures so you can safely migrate from Spree to JouwWeb. Check out our Security Policy
Server Security
All migrations are performed on a secure dedicated Hetzner server with restricted physical access.
Application Security
HTTPS protocol and 128-bit SSL encryption are used to protect the data being exchanged.
Network Security
The most up-to-date network architecture schema, firewall and access restrictions protect our system from electronic attacks.
Data Access Control
Employee access to customer migration data is restricted, logged and audited.

Want to migrate to the new eCommerce solution but don’t know where to start? I’m here to answer all your migration-related questions.
Anna Wilson
Customer Care ManagerReady to connect?