Categories: Must-Know Tips

Simple Tips to Make your Conversion Rate Skyrocket

No matter if your online store is big or small, much-touted or unknown, if it sells a plethora of different products or offers just one type of specialized goods, its goals are always the same. Every e-shop is aimed at making as much profitable deals as possible.

Although good advertising and expansion of product range may lead to good results in a long run, nothing is more crucial for a successful online business than a high conversion rate. So, today, Cart2Cart is going to share some of the most proven, straightforward and efficient tips to skyrocket conversion rate on your shopping platform.


1. Provide mobile shopping.


Nowadays, the majority of internet users tend to browse the web with a smartphone or tablet whilst regular and unwieldy PC’s are swiftly losing their appeal. It’s not a secret that providing a mobile trade is crucial for a store that tries to increase the rate of conversion. According to the Google research, 93% of people who are looking for a product online, through a smartphone, go ahead and purchase it afterwards. However, simply implementing mobile optimization is not enough, and it takes a well-thought-out arrangement to attract the customer. So, make sure your online store includes big, convenient purchase buttons, doesn’t require a long time to load and is fits perfectly on smartphone-sized screen, to increase the ecommerce conversion.

What people use for online product search according to Invesp Consulting.


2. Make your pages shorter.


Although, a lot of product information can be appreciated by the customers, your cart and checkout pages are not the best place to put it. As it has been proven by Fabian Rothe, short web-pages bring 7% better conversion results, than the ones making customers scroll. So, to reduce an overall pages lengths and provide users with more convenient shopping experience, consider this simple method. Place payment section right next to personal information fields, instead of putting them one below the other. That way, you’ll give customers a chance to fill required sections quicker, which will, surely, spur their motivation and thus, provide higher conversion.


3. Catch the shopper’s eye.

The value of shop’s outlook is hard to overestimate, since shoppers form their first impression about the online retailer based on its design. If you’d like to make your web shop attractive on sights, you’ll have to arrange all the store pictures in a certain way.

  • Firstly, find the optimal image quality, so that your pictures are not pixelating or taking forever to open.
  • Then, make sure your backgrounds are consistent or just delete them altogether.
  • Finally, provide the opportunity to zoom in on each of product images included in your store, so that customers can examine them more thoroughly.

4. Easy search.

Sometimes an overall complexity and tons of content can make your store look solid for a shopper, but a difficult search system is always off-putting to him. Many of the modern shopping carts present far wider opportunities than creating a simple search bar, so be sure not to neglect them. Permit your customers to filter products by qualities such as color, price and size to help them find desired goods easily, and they will thank you by increasing your conversion rate. For example, PrestaShop shopping platform offers a catalogue of such kind:

Due to the excessive market saturation, it is difficult to make an online store successful nowadays. But the most methodical web shop owners will find a way to achieve the highest trading results despite any circumstances. So, implement uplisted practices, make your conversion rate skyrocket and get to the top of e-Commerce market right now.

Cart2Cart wishes you a good luck and if you have any suggestions on the matter of conversions, which we are sure you do, get them across us by leaving a comment.

Rostyslav Demush

After years of blogging I still like it enough to keep looking for interesting angles on each subject, and loathe it enough to never post a word more than needed to convey my point.

Published by
Rostyslav Demush